U.S. consumers clearly all watch similar news reports and hear similar financial headlines: the ‘recession is coming’ drumbeat has gotten through to them, and they expect a slowdown in the coming months. But that’s all theoretical for now and the reality is that the U.S. consumer is still punching – spending plans are up, inflation-fatigue is being overcome, and optimism is back in fashion.
Overall consumer sentiment is up for the first time in 4 survey cycles, with only 12% of people expecting to have less money over the next 6 months, and more than half expecting to save more over this same period. Younger age groups (23-35) are championing this positive outlook in addition to higher earners.
Respondents’ desire to spend by category further supports the notion that consumers are more optimistic and less concerned for their financial well-being. Customers are purchasing in more non-essential categories compared to fall 2022 – the categories that saw the biggest uplift from fall 2022 include jewelry/accessories, apparel, and entertainment & travel.
Retailers need to take quick action to capitalize on
this change in consumers’ desire to spend this spring
– we don’t know how long it will last.
Inflation continues to impact consumers, with the number of people expecting prices to continue to rise is virtually unchanged when compared to fall 2022 (65%).
In addition to inflation expectations, we asked consumers about a potential U.S. recession, and the results are surprising. Over two thirds of consumers believe the U.S. is already in a recession or will be in one within the next year. Although consumers’ personal financial optimism has increased this spring, 61% said they are already taking action to prepare for a recession.
Despite economic concerns, vacation spend is up versus last year – half of respondents are taking a vacation this year and only 37% reported taking one last spring. International travel plans have also increased with 31% of vacationers planning to travel outside of the United States, +12% to last year (spring 2022 survey). Cost is the biggest barrier to taking a vacation this spring/summer at 39%.
Sustainability awareness continues to grow even during recessionary fears and inflationary pressures. We are still seeing shoppers’ willingness to pay more for an environmentally friendly product decreases as age increases, but contrary to 6 months ago, there is a much more even ethnic split when considering sustainability, but whites appear as the sustainability champions this spring.